How to hack a computer

Listen to this episode Hollywood has many ideas about how to hack computers. But, unfortunately, those are mostly not related to reality. So how do you actually hack a computer? In this episode, we will look at some of the ways nefarious neverdowells have hacked computers in the past and see if we can learn…

Zip it

You dealt with it. You may have wondered how it could possibly work. In this episode we do a deep dive on the zip format, what the idea is and how compression works.Listen to this episode on Anchor A couple notes on the recording: I didn’t want you to wait any longer, but unfortunately my…


Back when this podcast didn’t exist yet, Bitcoin was one of the first things I tried to explain to anybody. I partially based the script on the ideas in that presentation, readapted for an audio media. I have changed how I record podcast episodes, so hopefully it will be easier to record for me in…

Apple Silicon

In late 2020, Apple did something that many thought couldn’t be done, and changed how computers operated. This episode looks at how we got here, what they did and offer some thoughts for the future. Disclaimer: I hold some Apple stock, but I didn’t create this episode because of that, I brought the stock because…